Manitoba Blue Cross claim system offline June 30 to July 4

Manitoba Blue Cross is conducting scheduled system upgrades, resulting in a four-day outage of our claims submission system from June 30 at approximately 6 p.m. CDT to July 4 at approximately 12 p.m. CDT.
During this four-day period, you will be unable to submit electronic claims to Manitoba Blue Cross.
If you use any provider's service during this time, we encourage you to hold on to your claims until July 5 and submit them after the outage.
Our BlueNet system will also be offline, which means pharmacists will be unable to submit pay direct drug claims on your behalf. During this four-day period, you will need to pay in full at the pharmacy and then submit a claim for reimbursement. Alternatively, we encourage you to fill your prescriptions in advance of June 30, 2021.
You can also submit a paper claim at any time. Paper claims can be faxed to 204.772.1231 or mailed to Manitoba Blue Cross – Claims Department, PO Box 1046 Stn Main, Winnipeg MB R3C 2X7.
We apologize for the inconvenience.