Environmental responsibility
Part of contributing to the health and wellness of Manitobans is creating a healthier environment. We are committed to doing our part to take care of the environment while also ensuring it can take care of us.
Our facility
Our workplace is an energy-efficient Power Smart building. It boasts:
- highly efficient heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, including a heat recovery wheel.
- a lighting system with completely energy-efficient LED fixtures and bulbs, occupancy-controlled lighting in certain areas, and a control system that sweeps the lights off throughout the facility in the evening when everyone is finished working.
- exterior lighting that is operated by a light sensor.
- an energy utilization rate of 1.02 GJ/M2, which is less than half the benchmark of 2.08, set by NRCan.
- an automated parking lot control system that cycles outlet power based on outdoor temperatures and wind chill. The Intelligent Parking Lot Controller (IPLC) Smart Power Receptacle provides power savings up to 65 per cent.
- a newer generation stand-by generator that meets Canada’s emission regulations, as well as the more stringent U.S. emission regulations.
- a secure, on-site bike cage to encourage staff to commute to work.
- signage to discourage vehicle idling.
- zero VOC paint.
Our operations
We strive to be sustainable in our day-to-day functions.
Reduce: We have a company-wide initiative to reduce the amount of paper we use, distribute and accept. The number of printers, faxes and copiers has been reduced by 20 per cent over the last few years. We continue to see growth in our efforts and a reduction in paper usage throughout the organization, as well as from our members and service providers.
Current processes/standards include:
- direct deposit for claims and payroll.
- electronic claims submission for most benefits, eliminating the need for claim forms and paper statements.
- photocopy paper, printer paper and letterhead purchases that are Forest Stewardship Counsel (FSC) approved or Sustainable Forestry Initiative (FSI) certified.
- envelopes that are FSC approved and 30 per cent recycled, and envelope windows that are constructed from plant-based biodegradable materials.
- eco-friendly ink toners.
In addition to our efforts to minimize paper usage, we also offer a hybrid work environment where employees can choose to work from home three days a week to reduce the need for commuting and ultimately reduce carbon emissions.
Reuse: To eliminate the need for disposable cups, ceramic mugs are available at all coffee stations. There are filtered water coolers at every coffee station, eliminating the need for bottled water. Dinnerware, cutlery, serving utensils and cookware are provided for staff use to reduce the use of disposables.
Recycle: We have a full recycling program in place, including the proper disposal of hazardous waste, such as batteries, light bulbs, computers and other electronic equipment. Employees are encouraged to recycle with recycling bins conveniently located at every coffee station, lunchroom and most meeting rooms, with paper shredding bins at all copy stations.
We continue to monitor and improve the environmental footprint of our facility and operations. Plus, we take active measures to contribute to sustainability in our actions and activities. We participate in the annual Commuter Challenge and organize a yearly, company-wide clean-up of Omand’s Creek, located near our office in Winnipeg, to support the wellness of our community.